It is undeniable that the importance of our health is a determining factor on the quality of life that we are to obtain in this lifetime. Since childhood, we have always been reminded to take care of our bodies – at home, school, and in the community that we are in. As we grow old, we realize that the healthier we are, the less we become prone in getting sick often and the more we are able to accomplish plenty of things.
For people with disabilities, it is certainly a huge advantage that they maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is important that their families are motivated enough in helping them avoid inactivity and inspiring them to have that kind of motivation within them to get up and move frequently. Most persons with a disability are more prone to acquiring sicknesses other than their primary illness or disability. They are also more susceptible to catching a disease more than the persons without a disability. A healthy and fit body will result to an improved mental, emotional and social condition. This means that being in a good physical shape is hugely more advantageous than being sedentary, as it provides overall wellness to the person’s different domains.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle among persons with a disability is oftentimes challenging, but is certainly doable. If a person’s family and caregivers are goal-oriented enough in providing only the best programs comprised with the ideal fitness routine, as well as the right meal planning for them to achieve the ideal nutrition, alongside taking care and managing their primary disability, then it is very likely that they can do so many things, advancing themselves in achieving things beyond the current state that they are in. The family’s support and guidance will always provide a sense of inspiration and reassurance to their loved ones with a disability that they can succeed, and from there the possibilities are endless as to how much their loved one could accomplish in his lifetime.
With regards to a healthy diet, it is always best to add some creative touch to the offerings that are being served to them. A presentable, appetizing dish that provides adequate nutrition which is prepared according to their dietary requirements is generally the best. An advice from a doctor or a nutritionist is absolutely useful in meal planning.
For a fitness regime, it is good to create a program that caters to the person’s fitness levels and limitations, tailoring them to his needs and capabilities. Knowing what their interests are, and building an enjoyable program in a conducive and favorable setting will make them look forward to regularly participating in their favorite activity. Motivating them is already a good start.
Some of the benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle include:
– Avoiding chronic illnesses such as Diabetes, Obesity, high blood pressure, among others, that may lead to heart conditions, kidney failures and other complications.
– Enhancing the capacity of their joints to move in a wider range of motion, allowing them to avoid getting injured easily.
– Boosts self-confidence.
– Relieves stress.
– Improves their social skills through socialization and interaction.
– Helps them in developing discipline, patience, and other virtues that are valuable in honing their character.
– Allows them to discover their other capabilities, interests and talents.
Here are the types of exercises for persons with a disability. Note that those who are confined to a wheelchair can still perform these exercises as per their doctor’s approval or advice.
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1. Cardiovascular routines and exercises such as running, cycling, walking, playing tennis, swimming or other water activities, develops the cardiovascular strength, therefore avoiding chronic illnesses.
Image Source: Serge Bertasius Photography via FreeDigitalPhotos
1. Muscle strengthening exercises like routines where weights and other resistance activities are done improve bone mass and build muscles, providing overall muscle strength.
Image Source: marin via FreeDigitalPhotos
Flexibility exercises like stretching routines, exercising using resistance bands or performing yoga exercises enhances their body’s flexibility, and decreasing the risk of injuries while promoting good blood circulation.
Discuss with your doctor, healthcare provider or physical therapist on how they could help you create a fitness program for your loved one with a disability. You can also let him join a disability fitness service provider like Motivate You so they could help you decide which among their programs is the ideal plan for your loved one. They also offer Safety and Injury Prevention programs that are extremely beneficial.
(ALSO READ: Five Unstoppable Athletes with a Disability)
Once the concept of how a healthy lifestyle could provide innumerable benefits to their overall well-being is established into their everyday routine, it is guaranteed that they will eventually gain skills that they can use in their everyday life. By being supportive in their endeavors, they can be able to get things done and even achieve more with their newly gained strength, vigor and confidence.
The health and well-being of our loved one with a disability is definitely the number one factor to ensure his success in reaching his fullest potential, while attaining a higher quality of life – happily.
*PRIMARY IMAGE SOURCE: axelle b via PublicDomainPhotos under the Public Domainicense