If you are ready to be empowered then be prepared to be both amazed and impressed by Gabi Shull’s inspirational story of her powerful spirit and confidence that will certainly strengthen your steadfastness in whatever hardship you are going through right now.
A teen from Missouri is now becoming well known for embodying strength of character and fearlessness. Gabi Shull is making waves at such a young age. Her cancer, which has led to a leg amputation did not stop her in expressing what she is passionate about – dancing.

Image Source: Gabi Shull Instagram / The Truth 365
At the age of nine, Gabi was diagnosed with “Osteocarcoma” after having an MRI scan following an incident after falling on her knee while she was skating back in 2011. Her bruise did not improve after a couple of weeks so her parents decided to take her to the hospital where they found out that Gabi has the said rare form of cancer.
To remove the cancerous bone, Gabi and her family chose the advanced surgical procedure called “Rotationplasty”. Rotationplasty surgery is an autograft procedure where doctors remove a part of a limb, and then rotating and reattaching the remaining limb just below the involved, main portion. It is a common method done for those suffering from bone cancer, especially with children and young patients.
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For the teen ballerina, the process to go back to dancing after the surgery was not easy as it was excruciatingly painful and daunting. She had to undergo chemotherapy, the surgery itself and physical therapy. But through Gabi’s perseverance, patience and hard work, not to mention having a very strong support system, she was able to adapt to the recent change successfully and go back to doing almost anything as usual, especially accomplishing what is in her heart.
For some, the said amputation may have put a halt to Gabi’s dream of becoming a ballerina. However, Gabi was determined to continue doing what she loves to do. The most challenging part of her post-surgery may be the time when she has to put several hours of practice each day using a prosthetic. With the full assistance and encouragement of her family, and her undying love for the craft, her efforts have paid off as she is now able to perform and do the things that she normally does. The best part of her inspiring journey is she is now cancer-free.
There are points in our lives where adversities and obstacles struck us, crushing our spirit and leaving us scarred. These challenges indeed test us, and it is therefore up to us if we will let these difficulties defeat us or if we allow these dilemmas to block our way towards reaching our goals. It is easier said than done, but we should muster all our courage and resolve to overcome them, no matter how hard it is. A painful event in our lives, disability or illness, or any other kind of crisis may bring us to the brink of giving up. But if we could just get up, gather all the optimism and drive within us, and focus on our dreams and what truly makes us happy, then triumphing over the said obstacles is very much achievable.
Gabi is one of the remarkable people who pushed themselves to the limits and never gave up on their dreams. Surely, the experience is not a walk in the park, yet our battle to conquer these struggles may be considered as one of the most rewarding journeys’ we could ever take in our lifetime. And after all the pain, efforts and challenges that we have endured, we will soon realize that our life is truly wonderful after all – it is always ready to give us second chances, as long as we are willing to embrace it.
Adapting to these life-changing moments in our life is understandably difficult. Do not falter in believing in your capacities. Truthfully, where there’s a will, there’s a way!
PRIMARY IMAGE SOURCE: TheDigitalArtist / 4956 images via Pixabay under the Creative Commons CC0 license.